Tank Scrap
Class of 1905
Having thus plunged into university life, the class began to make history for itself. The first object pointed out to the Freshmen was the tank with the objectionable figures on top. It was explained to them that these must be removed, that the whole community depended upon them to remove this eyesore, which disfigured the landscape. For such an active body it was not possible to allow the view to be marred very long; consequently, the entire college was made glad one morning by the sight of new and artistic decorations on the tank which satisfied the feelings of all who had the best welfare of Purdue at heart. They were not permitted to remain there long, however, for every locality, even a college town with its refined, intellectual standards, contains some few vandals who mar and destroy.
Class of 1905

Tank painted with the class year of graduation for the victors of the Tank Scrap.

Source: "History of the Freshman Class," 1902 Debris (Lafayette: The Senior Class of Purdue University, 1902): 101-102.