Materials at Other Repositories
Significant Purdue and Hoosier Women's Papers | Other Women's Collections

Significant Purdue and Hoosier women's papers

Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart set many records and achieved many firsts in the field of aviation. From 1935 until her disappearance in 1937, Earhart was employed by Purdue University as a Consultant in the Department for the Study of Careers for Women and Technical Advisor in the Department of Aeronautics.

Purdue Archives and Special Collections has the largest collection of Amelia Earhart papers in the world, however a selection of her materials reside at other institutions.

Amelia Earhart papers

Darlene Clark Hine

Darlene Clark Hine is an author and professor specializing in African American history. She worked at Purdue University from 1974 to 1987 as an assistant professor, associate professor, vice-provost, and professor of history in addition to serving as interim director for the recently formed Africana Studies and Research Center. Clark Hine published, When the Truth is Told: A History of Black Women's Culture and Community in Indiana, 1875-1950 in 1981 which is one of the first and few publications on black women's history in Indiana.

Purdue Archives and Special Collections has minimal if any papers related to Darlene Clark Hine. The majority of materials from her time at Purdue reside at Duke University.

Darlene Clark Hine papers

May Wright Sewall

May Wright Sewall was an internationally recognized leader of the women's suffrage movement. While living in Indianapolis in the 1880s, Sewall formed local women's clubs, suffrage groups, and other organizations that promoted women's rights and education.

Purdue Archives and Special Collections has a small selection of letters from Sewall. The majority of her papers reside at other institutions.

May Wright Sewall papers

May Wright Sewall collections

Other Women's Collections

Women's History Resources

Ball State University
Muncie, IN

Lesbian Herstory Archives

Lesbian Herstory Archives
Brooklyn, NY

Women's History Materials

Indiana Historical Society
Indianapolis, IN

Women and Leadership Archives

Loyola University Chicago
Chicago, IL

Archives of Women in Science and Engineering

Iowa State University
Ames, IA

University of Iowa Libraries Women's Archives

University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA

Digital Collections, Women's History

Library of Congress
Washington, DC


For more Women's Archives, see the University of Wisconsin-Madison's:

Women's History Research in Archives