Archived Purdue Publications


Displaying 1 to 8 of 8 results for Foreign Languages and Literature

Programs offer study abroad
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Foreign Languages and Literature
Date: 1/12/1981
Sec. 2, p. 11

Foreign language professor receives fellowship
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Foreign Languages and Literature
Date: 4/1/1981
p. 5

Hispanic organization to stage ethnic festival
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Foreign Languages and Literature
Date: 4/1/1981
p. 9

French prof. calls work 'exciting'
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Foreign Languages and Literature
Date: 5/1/1981
p. 10

Learning new language should be fun, prof says
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Foreign Languages and Literature
Date: 9/23/1981
p. 7

Foreign conversation classes assist language
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Foreign Languages and Literature
Date: 9/29/1981
p. 7

Laughs not very foreign to students in film class
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Foreign Languages and Literature
Date: 10/20/1981
p. 3

Many advance via language tests
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Foreign Languages and Literature
Date: 12/1/1981
p. 6