Archived Purdue Publications


Displaying 1 to 50 of 51 results for Engineering

Laboratory for Determinative Minerology opened
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Chemical Engineering
Date: 9/28/1923
p. 1

Building Contractors
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Conferences- Engineering
Date: 11/7/1923
p. 1

Building Contractors
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Conferences- Engineering
Date: 11/15/1923
p. 1

Building Contractors
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Conferences- Engineering
Date: 11/16/1923
p. 1

Plans for new E.E. and Poultry buildings approved by Board of Trustees
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Electrical Engineering building
Date: 10/11/1923
p. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Electrical Engineering building
Date: 11/15/1923
p. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Electrical Engineering building
Date: 11/25/1923
p. 1

Harry Tipper speaks
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering Administration
Date: 2/14/1923
p. 1, c. 1

Speakers announced
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering Administration
Date: 2/17/1923
p. 1, c. 6

Prof. C.C. Albright speaks at Chicago
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Civil
Date: 3/17/1923
p. 4, c. 4

Camp plans complete
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Civil
Date: 4/29/1923
p. 1, c. 2

Pick officials for camp
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Civil
Date: 6/2/1923
p. 1, c. 2

Students start for surveying camp
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Civil
Date: 6/7/1923
p. 1, c. 3

Prof. D.D. Ewing writes for Welding Journal
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 3/7/1923
p. 3, c. 4

Meter school to be held here
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 3/10/1923
p. 1, c. 4

Open house tonite
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 5/1/1923
p. 1, c. 6

Juniors start inspection tour
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 5/8/1923
p. 1, c. 1

Sales expert to address
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 5/10/1923
p. 1, c. 4

Meeting ends with banquet
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 1/20/1923
p. 1, c. 3

To send out booklet to high schools
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 3/8/1923
p. 1, c. 2

J.H. Holloway breaks arm while experimenting
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 2/27/1923
p. 2, c. 4

Faculty goes to Notre Dame
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 3/20/1923
p.1, c. 4

Complete tests on army tractor
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 4/29/1923
p. 1, c. 5

J.J. Kline to address
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 4/18/1923
p. 2, c. 3

To hold open house
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 4/22/1923
p. 1, c. 4

Frank Gilbreth to speak
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 4/23/1923
p. 1, c. 5

To hold open house
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 4/29/1923
p. 1, c. 5

Bound volumes of journals donated
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 2/1/1923
p. 1, c. 2

German submarine cell received
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 2/1/1923
p. 1, c. 2

Professor Achatz to speak
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 2/8/1923
p. 1, c. 5

High tension laboratory makes tests for nitrogen
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Electrical
Date: 3/7/1923
p. 2, c. 1

Ewing, D.D. writes for magazine
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Eectrical Engineering
Date: 3/7/1923
p. 3, c. 4

Meter school
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Electrical Engineering
Date: 3/10/1923
p. 1, c. 4

Open house
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Electrical Engineering
Date: 5/1/1923
p. 1, c. 6

Inspection tour
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Electrical Engineering
Date: 5/8/1923
p. 1, c. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Electrical Engineering
Date: 5/10/1923
p. 1, c. 4

Essays due
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Electrical Engineering
Date: 4/18/1923
p. 1, c. 2

High tension lab install huge tank
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Electrical Engineering
Date: 4/14/1923
p. 2, c. 3

Perfects test for cement mortar and concrete
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering Experiment Station
Date: 10/21/1923
p. 4

Research projects; high compression in gas engines and piston head construction
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering Experiment Station
Date: 9/13/1923
p. 1

To test high compression motors in gas engine lab
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering Experiment Station
Date: 6/2/1923
p. 1, c. 5

To test carburetor
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering Experiment Station
Date: 6/2/1923
p. 1, c. 4

To publish bulletin for automobile owners
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering Experiment Station
Date: 6/2/1923
p. 4, c. 3

Offers Short Course Throughout State
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering Extension Service
Date: 9/13/1923
p. 1

G.R. Popp designs new power plant
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Mechanical
Date: 3/20/1923
p. 1, c. 4

Book goes on sale
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering Revue
Date: 5/29/1923
p. 1, c. 3

Plans dinner meeting
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering Society
Date: 4/21/1923
p. 1, c. 5

G.R. Popp
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Mechanical Engineering
Date: 3/20/1923
p. 1, c. 4

Instruction staff of P.U. organize branch
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Society for the promotion of Engineering education
Date: 12/15/1923
p. 1

Road School
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Short Courses. Civil Engineering.
Date: 12/16/1923
p. 1

Telephone operation and maintenance
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Short Courses. Electrical Engineering
Date: 11/7/1923
p. 1