"To make this trivial world sublime, Take half a gramme of phanerothyme. To fathom Hell or soar angelic, Just take a pinch of psychedelic."
- Aldous Huxley and Humphry Osmond

Collection Focus

Types of materials being sought for the Betsy Gordon Psychoactive Substances Research Collection include the papers and writings of individuals who have been recognized on a national and international level for their contributions to knowledge in this area, including scientists, clinicians, and scholars. This collection will consist mainly of primary source materials such as unpublished writings, correspondence; diaries; photographs; lab notebooks; research notes and data; interviews, and other materials of enduring value.

If you have materials relating to our collecting focus, please contact:

Stephanie Schmitz, Betsy Gordon Psychoactive Substances Research Archivist
phone: 765-494-2904
Purdue Archives and Special Collections
504 West State St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907