Archived Purdue Publications


Displaying 1 to 26 of 26 results for Art

[Sketch], Faculty
Publication: Debris
Subject: Applied Mechanics, Department of.
Date: 1913
p. 365

Publication: Debris
Subject: Arthur, Joseph Charles (B.S. Iowa State 1872 D.Sc. Cornell 1886)
Date: 1913
p. 45

Publication: Debris
Subject: Arthur, Joseph Charles (B.S. Iowa State 1872 D.Sc. Cornell 1886)
Date: 1913
p. 55

Changed to private school. School of Chemical Engineering
Publication: Debris
Subject: Chemical Department
Date: 1913
p. 34-35

Publication: Debris
Subject: Cole, Arthur Williams
Date: 1913
p. 25

Publication: Debris
Subject: Education, Department of
Date: 1913
p. 50

Publication: Debris
Subject: French, Department of
Date: 1913
p. 51

[sketch] Faculty
Publication: Debris
Subject: English Literature, Department of
Date: 1913
p. 52

Publication: Debris
Subject: Fisher, Martin Luther
Date: 1913
p. 41

Artificial Incubation
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Incubation Artificial
Date: 2/1913
v. 7, no. 5 p. 27

Publication: Debris
Subject: Home Economics, Department
Date: 1913
p. 47

Experience In Feeding Mules
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Martin, C.R.
Date: 3/1913
v. 7, no. 6 p. 22

Co-Operative Market Studies
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Martin, C.R.
Date: 12/1913
v. 8, no. 3 p. 16

[sketch] Faculty
Publication: Debris
Subject: Mathematics, Department of
Date: 1913
p. 50

"Only woman engineer"
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: McBroom, Mabel Barton, '06
Date: 10/28/1913
p. 1

Soiling crops for dairy cattle
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: McCarty, J.A.
Date: 6/1913
v. 7, no. 9 p. 45

Keeping up a good appearance
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: McCarty, J.A.
Date: 11/1913
v. 8, no. 2 p. 19

Renovating Old Orchards
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: McCarty, J.A.
Date: 12/1913
v. 8, no. 3 p. 47

Publication: Debris
Subject: Gates, Arthur O. (B.S. P.U. 1898)
Date: 1913
p. 25

Publication: Debris
Subject: German, Department of
Date: 1913
p. 51

Portrait. [Sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Goss, Arthur (B.S. P.U. 1888- A.C. 1889- M.S. 1895)
Date: 1913
p. 55

Faculty [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Physics, Department of
Date: 1913
p. 47

[sketch] Faculty
Publication: Debris
Subject: Practical mechanics department of
Date: 1913
p. 36-38

[sketch], Faculty
Publication: Debris
Subject: Rhetoric, Department of
Date: 1913
p. 53

Assistant in Practical Mechanics
Publication: Debris
Subject: Waidelich, Arthur G.
Date: 1913
p. 37

Publication: Debris
Subject: Zehring, William Arthur
Date: 1913
p. 50