Archived Purdue Publications


Displaying 151 to 200 of 1003 results for 1932

Portrait. Personality
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Abbett, H.B.
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 2

Portrait Sketch
Publication: Debris
Subject: Abbett, H.B.
Date: 1932
p. 204

Abelard and Heloise Au: Bergevin, Paul
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Abelard and Heloise
Date: 3/1932
v.5, No. 2 p. 10

List of members, photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Acacia
Date: 1932
p. 292

List of members, photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Acacia
Date: 1932
p. 302

Freak Accidents
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Accidents, Automobile
Date: 3/2/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Death in a Mirror
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Adashko, J. G.
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, No. 2 p.35-40

Flowers for Marguerite
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Adashko, J. G.
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, No. 1 p. 21-24

"Fountain of Youth"
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Ade, George
Date: 9/15/1932
p.1, c. 3-4

Indiana Cooperatives Au: Wade, L. E.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Agriculture
Date: 1/1932
v. 26, No. 4 p. 64

Agricultural Conference Week Au: Johnston, T.R.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Agriculture
Date: 2/1932
v. 26, No. 5 p. 66

Agricultural Essay Contest Au: Bennett, F.N.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Agriculture
Date: 2/1932
v. 26, No. 5 p. 75

A Century of Indiana Agriculture Au: Latta, W.C.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Agriculture
Date: 3/1932
v. 26, No. 6 p. 83

Agricultural Leaders Celebrated Anniversaries Au: Nugent, T.D.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Agriculture
Date: 11/1932
v. 27, No. 2 p. 23

Vocations and Opportunities Descriptions & Photos
Publication: Purdue News
Subject: Agriculture
Date: 7/1932
v. 3, No. 5 p. 1-24

Winter Short Courses
Publication: Purdue News
Subject: Agriculture
Date: 8/1932
v. 3, No. 6 p. 1-24

Agricultural Engineering At Purdue. IL. Au: Aikenhead, W.M.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Agricultural Engineering
Date: 2/1932
v. 27, No. 5 p. 111

Banquet to be held
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Agricultural Extension
Date: 10/13/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Anniversary banquet held
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Agricultural Extension
Date: 10/14/1932
p. 1, c. 1

[sketch] Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Agriculture, School of
Date: 1932
p. 88-94

[sketch] Photos
Publication: Debris
Subject: Agriculture, School of
Date: 1932
p. 83-90

Banquet to be held
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Agricultural Extension
Date: 10/13/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Anniversary banquet held
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Agricultural Extension
Date: 10/14/1932
p. 1, c. 1

[sketch], Photos
Publication: Debris
Subject: Agriculture, School of
Date: 1932
p. 83-90

[sketch], Photos
Publication: Debris
Subject: Agriculture, School of
Date: 1932
p. 88-94

Portrait. Personality
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Ainsworth, Harry F.
Date: 6/1932
vol. 19 p. 2

Portrait. Writes from Russia
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Aitken Head, Mrs. Lillian Lamb, Agila
Date: 1/1932
vol. 19 p. 17

Agricultural Engineering at Purdue. IL
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Aitkenhead, W.M.
Date: 2/1932
vol. 27, No. 5 p. 111

Au: Bray, John L; The Alloy Age IL
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Alloys
Date: 3/1932
vol. 27, No. 6 p. 127

Au: Daly, T.A.; A Non-magnetic Steel Alloy IL
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Alloys
Date: 3/1932
vol. 27, No. 6 p. 133

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Alpha Chi Omega
Date: 1932
p. 336

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Alpha Gamma Rho
Date: 1932
p. 293

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Alpha Lambda Delta (Honorary)
Date: 1932
p. 224

Chapter Organized here
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Alpha Phi Omega
Date: 5/21/1932
p. 4, c. 4-6

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Alpha Tau Omega
Date: 1932
p. 294

List of Members, Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Alpha Zeta (Honorary)
Date: 1932
p. 91

Au: Bergevin, Paul; Al's Mabel
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Al's Mabel
Date: 6/1932
vol. 5, No. 3 p. 16-21

Why associations
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Alumni
Date: 5/1932
vol. 19 p. 9

Keeping up with 11,000
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Alumni
Date: 3/1932
vol. 19 p. 11

Commemorative Banquet
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Alumni
Date: 4/1932
vol. 19 p. 9

Purdue Engineer Au: Bobbitt, J.F.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Babbitt, J.F.
Date: 3/1932
vol.27 p.138

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Babbit, H.E.
Date: 2/16/1932
p.1. c.4

Portrait, sketch
Publication: Debris
Subject: Babcock, Robert Weston
Date: 1932

Kryter, R.J.
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Alumnus, Purdue
Date: 2/12/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Honors W.K. Hatt
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: American Concrete Institute
Date: 2/5/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Photo, [Sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Date: 1932
p. 61

[Sketch], Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: American Institute of Electrical Engineers
Date: 1932
p. 80-82

Aided by Faculty
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: American Red Cross
Date: 2/13/1932
p. 4, c. 5-6

[sketch], photo, officers
Publication: Debris
Subject: American Society of Civil Engineers
Date: 1932
p. 50-52

[sketch], photo, officers
Publication: Debris
Subject: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Date: 1932
p. 34-36

Meets, Indiana Section
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: American Water Works Association
Date: 3/9/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Ames, (Snake) Knowlton L.
Date: 2/1932
vol. 19 p. 24

Conbating Garden Pests
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Amos, J.R.
Date: 6/1932
vol. 26, No. 9 p. 131

A Century of Progress IL.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Anderson, G.H.
Date: 2/1932
vol. 27, No. 5 p. 109

Portrait. Tribute.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Baker, Anna Embree
Date: 3/1932
v. 19 p. 31

Photo, [Sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Anonian Literary Society
Date: 1932
p. 274

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Architectural, Conference
Date: 1/1932
vol. 19 p. 12

To be celebrated
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Armistice Day
Date: 11/10/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Armistice Day
Date: 11/11/1932
p. 1, c. 3-4

Replace carnival by drills
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Army Officers
Date: 2/11/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Exhibits Oriental prints
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Art Department
Date: 11/3/1932
p. 1, c. 2

A Grecian Aqueduct. IL. Au: Hitz, J.W.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Athens Greece
Date: 12/1932
vol. 28, No. 3 p. 35

Number of Trophies
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Athletic Carnival
Date: 2/18/1932
p. 1, c. 1

To Open
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Athletic Carnival
Date: 2/19/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Athletic Carnival
Date: 2/26/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Young, H.E. writes Phamplet
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Authors, Purdue
Date: 2/17/1932
p. 4, c. 1

Davies, John Langdon from England
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Authors' visiting
Date: 2/16/1932
p. 1, c. `

Davies, John Langdon from England
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Authors' visiting
Date: 2/16/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Davies, John Langdon from England
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Authors' visiting
Date: 2/16/1932
p. 1, c. 3-4

Davies, John Langdon from England
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Authors' visiting
Date: 2/16/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Davies, John Langdon from England
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Authors' visiting
Date: 2/17/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Davies, John Langdon from England
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Authors' visiting
Date: 2/17/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Davies, John Langdon from England
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Authors' visiting
Date: 2/17/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Maurice Hindus
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Authors, Visiting
Date: 3/8/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Automobile
Date: 1/7/1932
p. 1, c. 6

The Development of the Automobile IL. Au:Starkey, W.C.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Automobiles
Date: 10/1932
vol. 28, No. 1 p. 8

University Concert Band
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bands, Purdue
Date: 4/19/1932

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Band, campus
Date: 9/23/1932
p.1, c.4

Officers named
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bands, Purdue
Date: 9/23/1932

To play at road opening
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bands, Purdue
Date: 10/8/1932

Plays for corps day review
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bands, Purdue
Date: 10/19/1932

To give free concert
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bands, Purdue
Date: 10/15/1932

To give free concert
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bands, Purdue
Date: 10/18/1932

Cain, J. W. Alumni Au:Purdue Engineer
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Cain, James. W.
Date: 5/1932
vol. 27, No. 8 p. 180

"Radio's Future Magic"
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Caldwell, O.H., E.E. 1908
Date: 5/1932
vol. 19 p. 13

Music off Left
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Calloway, George
Date: 6/1932
vol. 5, No. 3 p. 15

Henry Busse
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bands and Orchestras
Date: 10/17/1932
p.1, c.1

Camouflage [A Poem] Au:Harvey, Jean
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Camouflage
Date: 12/1932
vol. 6, No. 1 p. 24

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Campbell, Miss Gaynelle
Date: 4/1932
vol. 19 p. 36

Portrait. Alumni
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Campbell, Uerle H., Ag. 1917
Date: 1/1932
vol. 19 p. 6

Photo, [Sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Campus. Choir
Date: 1932
p. 264

A Campus Problem Au:Primack, Shirley
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Campus Problem
Date: 6/1932
vol. 5, No. 3 p. 42-44

Methylene Blue Test
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Cantley, R.W.
Date: 11/1932
vol. 27, No. 2 p. 15

Life on the Hoof
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Carey, J.H.
Date: 6/1932
vol. 5, No. 3 p. 7-10

Energetic Engineers Au:Carlsen, C.E.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Carlsen, C.E.
Date: 3/1932
vol. 27, No. 6 p. 137

Minneapolis Symphony
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bands and Orchestras
Date: 1/21/1932
p.1, c.2

Hank lishin
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bands and Orchestras
Date: 5/1/1932
p.1, c.6

Kay Kyser
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bands and Orchestras
Date: 2/20/1932
p.3, c.3-4

Jack O'Grady
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bands and Orchestras
Date: 4/22/1932
p.1, c.1

Herb Buteau
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bands and Orchestras
Date: 4/22/1932
p.1, c.6

Henry Theis
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bands and Orchestras
Date: 4/22/1932
p.1, c.6

Lewis Graft
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bands and Orchestras
Date: 5/8/1932
p.2, c.3

Variaties of Farm Incomes
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Barnett, A.E.
Date: 12/1932
v.29, no.3 p.31

Queen Victoria
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Bauers, H.C.
Date: 3/1932
v.5, no.2 p.16-19

Discusses Germany
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Beckman, B.O.
Date: 2/11/1932

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Beckman, Herman C., 1893
Date: 1/1932
v.19 p.32

Portrait personality
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Beers, L.B.
Date: 6/1932
v.19 p.2

Trippel, A.W.; Spring Manipulation Of Bees
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Bees
Date: 4/1932
v.26, no.7 p.109

Agricultural Essay Contest
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Bennett, F.N.
Date: 2/1932
v.26, no.5 p.75

To The Cow-A Parody
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Bennett, F.N.
Date: 2/1932
v.26, no.5 p.77

Abelard and Heloise
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Bergevin, Paul
Date: 3/1932
v.5, no.2 p.10

Al's Mabel
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Bergevin, Paul
Date: 6/1932
v.5, no.3 .16-21

Valor of the God
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Bergevin, Paul
Date: 12/1932
v.6, no.1 p.34-39

Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Berkness, Russell
Date: 3/1932
v.5, no.2 p.22-24

Hog Feeding Experiment
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Bertsch, R.L.
Date: 11/1932
v.27, no.2 p.19

Photo, sketch
Publication: Debris
Subject: Beta Phi Alpha
Date: 1932

List of members, Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Beta Sigma Psi
Date: 1932

The Waitress Sneers
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Carter, Electa
Date: 3/1932
vol. 5, No. 2 p. 7-10

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Cary Hall (Franklin Levering Cary)
Date: 1932
p. 349-356

Life at Cary Hall
Publication: Purdue News
Subject: Cary Hall
Date: 5/1932
vol. 3, No. 3 p. 1-22

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Cat, Banquet
Date: 4/5/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Photo [Sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Catalyst Club
Date: 1932
p. 62-64

List of members, Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Beta Theta Pi
Date: 1932

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Corbin, Wayne T., Ag '27
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 28

Receives latest book
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Cordell, R.A.
Date: 9/25/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Portrait. Personality
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Corley, Ralph C.
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 2

To the Cow- A Parody Au:Bennett, F.N.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Cattle
Date: 2/1932
vol. 26, No. 5 p. 77

Buring Colours Au:Lark-Horovitz, Betty
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Ceramics
Date: 3/1932
vol. 27, No. 6 p. 136

[Sketch], Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Ceres (Honorary)
Date: 1932
p. 92

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Chafee, W.T., Ag. 1922
Date: 4/1932
vol. 19 p. 15

[sketch] photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Cosmopolitan Club
Date: 1932
p. 286

Chorus plays at convocation
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Cossack, Don
Date: 2/26/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Russian army officers
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Cossack Male Choir
Date: 3/2/1932
p. 1, c. 3-4

Russian army officers
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Cossack Male Choir
Date: 3/5/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Coulter, Dr. Stanley
Date: 4/1932
v. 19 p. 15

To speak at convocation
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Coulter, Dr. Stanley
Date: 10/8/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Farm Life Becomes A Rich Life
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Country Life Movement (Connelly, P.K.)
Date: 5/1932
v. 26, no. 8 p. 115

Effect of New Farmer
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Country Life Movement (Jones, J.V.)
Date: 10/1932
v. 27, no. 1 p. 7

Association of Future Farmers
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Country Life Movement (Smith, .G.)
Date: 12/1932
v. 27, no. 3 p. 34

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Craig, Wm. H., Ch.E., 1924
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 32

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Crane, N.T. (1919)
Date: 2/28/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Future Quail Population Au:Nicewander, B.N.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Birds
Date: 11/1932
v.27, no.2 p.14

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Bitler, R.O., '1911
Date: 6/1932
v.19 p.26

Look After Your Trees
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Cherry, W.F.
Date: 3/1932
vol. 26, No. 6 p. 92

Acts openly exposed
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Chef
Date: 3/2/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Acts openly exposed
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Chef
Date: 3/4/1932
p. 1, c. 3-4

Acts openly exposed
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Chef
Date: 3/11/1932
p. 1, c. 1

[Sketch] List of Members
Publication: Debris
Subject: Chemical Engineering
Date: 1932
p. 54-59

Germination Test In Soybeans
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Cutler, G.H.
Date: 11/1932
v. 26, no. 6 p. 82

Heads large company
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Cheney, Merle B., Ch.E. 1919
Date: 1/1932
vol. 19 p. 5

King, E. Harrison Jr.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: China Description of Travel
Date: 5/1932
vol. 19 p. 5

List of Members
Publication: Debris
Subject: Chi Epsilon (Honorary)
Date: 1932
p. 49

Photo, [Sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Chi Omega
Date: 1932
p. 339

Photo, [Sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Chinese Students Club
Date: 1932
p. 284

To present Christmas Cantata
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Choral Society
Date: 12/8/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Photo, [Sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Cimmerian
Date: 1932
p. 297

Portrait. Professor
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Cissel, James H., C.E. 1910
Date: 5/1932
vol. 19 p. 5

List of members
Publication: Debris
Subject: Civil Engineering, School of
Date: 1932
p. 38-48

Four Day Cream Delivery System Au:
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Dairying
Date: 6/1932
v. 26, no. 9 p. 130

University wins third place
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Dairy Foods Show
Date: 11/12/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Blue Key
Date: 1932

University places third
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Dairy Judging Contest
Date: 10/20/1932
p. 1, c. 2

A Non-magnetic Steel Alloy
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Daly, T.A.
Date: 3/1932
v. 27, no. 6 p. 133

The Dark Year, First Installment Au: Purcell, E.M.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Dark Year
Date: 12/1932
v. 28, no. 3 p. 39

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Davies, John Langdon
Date: 2/6/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Davies, John Langdon
Date: 2/13/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Davies, John Langdon
Date: 2/14/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Davies, John Langdon
Date: 2/16/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Davies, John Langdon
Date: 2/17/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Davies, John Langdon
Date: 2/17/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Davies, John Langdon
Date: 2/17/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Davies, John Langdon
Date: 2/18/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Davies, John Langdon
Date: 2/18/1932
p. 1, c. 3

An author visiting from England
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Davies, John Langdon
Date: 2/16/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Over organization
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Davies, John Langdon
Date: 2/19/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Portrait [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Bodden, W.A.
Date: 1932
p. 204

Portrait. Honored
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Davis, George Ade, Sci. '06
Date: 2/1932
v. 19 p. 5

Tells of European trip
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Davis, Professor J.J.
Date: 12/4/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Speaks at convocation
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Davis, Rev. R.M.
Date: 9/14/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Death In A Mirror
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Death In A Mirror Au: Adashko, J.G.
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 35-40

The Death Of Flowers
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Death Of Flowers Au: Harvey, Jean
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 32

Portrait. Honored.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Bolley, Henry L. '1888
Date: 4/1932
v.14 p. 4

Represents Purdue at Council
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Clauer, C.R.
Date: 4/8/1932
p. 1, c. 3-4

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Coal, Men
Date: 4/5/1932
p. 2, c. 2-3

Purdue to meet Albion and Manchester
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Debates
Date: 11/30/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Purdue to meet Albion and Manchester
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Debates
Date: 12/1/1932
p. 1, c. 3

To open conference
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Debates
Date: 12/1/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Members announced
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Debates
Date: 12/1/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Loses to Manchester; ties Albion
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Debates
Date: 12/3/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Varsity, Men
Publication: Debris
Subject: Debating
Date: 1932
p. 266

Varsity, Women
Publication: Debris
Subject: Debating
Date: 1932
p. 267

Publication: Debris
Subject: Debating
Date: 1932
p. 268

Publication: Debris
Subject: Debating
Date: 1932
p. 269

Publication: Debris
Subject: Debating
Date: 1932
p. 270

[sketch] Photo's, Staff
Publication: Debris
Subject: Debris
Date: 1932
p. 228-231

[sketch] Photos, Staff
Publication: Debris
Subject: Debris
Date: 1932
p. 228-231

Cashing in on spare time AU: Howland, W.E.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Books and Reading
Date: 5/1932
v. 27, no. 8 p. 175

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Decker, Leo O., Sci. '29
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 32

Leckie, R.B.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Degree Day
Date: 12/1932
v. 28, no. 3 p. 37

Forest Protection
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Degier, R.H.
Date: 10/1932
v. 27, no. 1 p. 11

Kinyon, B.W. See: Waste Paper
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: De-inking of Paper
Date: 5/1932
v. 27, no. 8 p. 178

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Delta Alpha Pi
Date: 1932
p. 298

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Delta Chi
Date: 1932
p. 299

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Delta Rho Kappa (Honorary)
Date: 1932
p. 118-120

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Delta Sigma Lambda
Date: 1932
p. 300

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Delta Tau Delta
Date: 1932
p. 301

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Delta Upsilon
Date: 1932
p. 302

Corporation Farming
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Demaree, Frank H.
Date: 12/1932
v. 27, no. 3 p. 27

Grazing The Farmwoods
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Debvyl, Daniel
Date: 4/1932
v. 26, no. 7 p. 99

Three Persons
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Bowerman, Len
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 46

Portrait. Honored
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: DeWolfe, E.C., M.E., '96
Date: 11/1932
v. 20 p. 4

4-H Club Chatter AU: Sample, Glenn
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Boys and Girls Club
Date: 11/1932
v. 27, no. 2 p. 24

4-H Club Chatter AU: Sears, Glendon H.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Boys and Girls Club
Date: 12/1932
v. 27, no. 3 p. 36

Sponsored by 4-H Club here
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Boys and Girls Roundup
Date: 5/3/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Sponsored by 4-H Club here
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Boys and Girls Roundup
Date: 5/4/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Sponsored by 4-H Club here
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Boys and Girls Roundup
Date: 5/5/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Sponsored by 4-H Club here
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Boys and Girls Roundup
Date: 5/5/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Sponsored by 4-H Club here
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Boys and Girls Roundup
Date: 5/6/1932
p. 1, c. 2

For Junior & Senior High School Students Sponsorship Purdue University
Publication: Purdue News
Subject: Competitive Projects
Date: 11/1932
vol. 3, No. 7 p. 1-15

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Conference, Architect
Date: 1/1932
vol. 19 p. 12

Farm Life becomes a rich life
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Connelly, P.K.
Date: 5/1932
vol. 26, No. 8 p. 115

Committee Acts As Jury
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Dishonest
Date: 1/21/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Portrait. Pesonality.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Dean, C.S.
Date: 2/1932
v. 14 p. 2

Wins Beveridge trophy
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bratton, R.C.
Date: 10/12/1932
p. 1, c. 5

The Alloy Age
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Bray, John L.
Date: 3/1932
v. 27, no. 6 p. 3

Mole Drainage. Au: Westbrook, N.E.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Drainage
Date: 2/1932
v. 26, no. 5 p. 67

The Contracting Game Au:Traylor, Wm. F.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Contracting Game
Date: 6/1932
vol. 5, No. 3 p. 25-27

Hold Conference
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Druggist, Retail
Date: 1/26/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Hold Conference
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Druggist, Retail
Date: 2/18/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Druggist, Retail
Date: 2/26/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Drum, Gen. Hugh A.
Date: 5/7/1932
p. 1, c. 4

R.O.T.C. Purdue among the best
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Drum, Gen. Hugh A.
Date: 5/10/1932
p. 1, c. 2

R.O.T.C. Purdue among the best
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Drum, Gen. Hugh A.
Date: 5/10/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Portrait. Personality.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Dukes, Richard G.
Date: 3/1932
v. 19 p. 2

Portrait [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Dukes, Prof. Richard G.
Date: 1932
p. 130

Dukes, R.G. A Faculty Sketch.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Dukes, Richard G.
Date: 5/1932
v. 27, no. 8 p. 179

Elected President
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Dunten, Chester O., E.E., '06
Date: 6/1932
v. 19 p. 5

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Dye, John F. (Jerry), Ch.E. '23
Date: 6/1932
v. 19 p. 26

Three Power Locomotives
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Brehob, F.H.
Date: 1932
v. 27, no. 6 p. 130

To speak at convocation
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Browne, Dr. Lewis
Date: 11/3/1932
p. 1, c. 3

To speak at convocation
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Browne, Dr. Lewis
Date: 11/6/1932
p. 1, c. 4

To speak at convocation
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Browne, Dr. Lewis
Date: 11/8/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Talks at convocation
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Browne, Dr. Lewis
Date: 11/9/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Germinated Oats for Poultry
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Brueckner, R.F.
Date: 1932
v. 26, no. 8 p. 15

Completed career
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Bruce, Donald A. '1935
Date: 2/1932
v. 24 p. 15

Programs planned
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 9/10/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Rev. R.M. Davis to speak
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 9/14/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Rev. R.M. Davis to speak
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 9/15/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Honorary degree to be conferred
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 10/5/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Honorary degree to be conferred
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 10/14/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Honorary degree to be conferred
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 10/15/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Honorary degree to be conferred
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 10/15/1932
p. 2, c. 3

University honors Alumni
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 10/16/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Dr. Emil Lengyel to speak
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 10/19/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Dr. Lengyel speaks on Hitler
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 10/20/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Harpist ensemble to present program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 10/21/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Salzedo ensemble to give program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 10/23/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Salzedo ensemble to give program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 10/25/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Salzedo ensemble to give program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 10/26/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Salzedo ensemble gives program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 10/27/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Ferdinand Schaefer to present symphony
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 11/20/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Ferdinand Schaefer to present symphony
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 11/22/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Ferdinand Schaefer to present symphony
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 11/22/1932
p. 2, c. 4

Symphony orchestra to present program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 11/23/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Symphony group gives program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 11/24/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Spalding to give violin concert
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 12/9/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Spalding to give violin concert
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 12/10/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Spalding to give violin concert
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 12/11/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Cossack Chorus
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 2/26/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Spalding presents recital
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 12/13/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Symphony "O"
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 1/20/1932
p. 1, c.

Symphony "O"
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Convocation
Date: 1/21/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Better balance
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Education
Date: 3/3/1932
p. 2, c. 1

Sleep vs. Study
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Education
Date: 3/4/1932
p. 2, c. 1

Germinated Oats for Poultry
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Brueckner, R.F.
Date: 5/1932
v. 26, no. 8 p. 15

Organizing Farm Practice Au: Smith, M.G.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Education, Agricultural
Date: 1/1932
v. 26, no. 4 p. 55

Supervised Farm Practice Activities Au: Moore, Herbert
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Education, Agricultural
Date: 3/1932
v. 26, no. 6 p. 91

Teaching Farm Shop Au: Moore, H.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Education, Agricultural
Date: 5/1932
v. 26, no. 8 p. 123

School Of Agriculture Au: Mills, W.O.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Education, Agricultural
Date: 6/1932
v. 26, no. 9 p. 134

Summer Work Of Ag. Teachers Au: Smith, M.G.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Education, Agricultural
Date: 10/1932
v. 24, no. 1 p. 2

State Civic Conference Au: Wright, E.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Education, Agricultural
Date: 12/1932
v. 27, no. 3 p. 35

Addresses Convo.
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bryan, Prof. William Lowe
Date: 4/7/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Addresses Convo.
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bryan, Prof. William Lowe
Date: 4/8/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Enrolls here as student
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Bryant, Capt.
Date: 10/3/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Lothario's Tale
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Buehler, J.L.
Date: 1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 28-31

Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Buehler, John
Date: 1932
v. 5, no. 2 3

The House That Jack Should Build
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Builders
Date: 4/1932
v. 27, no. 7 p. 149

Portrait honored
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Bundy, Ora '1908
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 5

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Bunker, Wm.B. '1886
Date: 12/1932
v. 20 p. 32

Harnessing the Susquehanha
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Burchby, B.A.
Date: 11/1932
v. 28, no. 2 p. 24

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Burge, Mary L.
Date: 12/7/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Constructs violins
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Burkhardt, R.W.
Date: 2/3/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Weather Resistant Covering For Line Wires
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Electric Cables
Date: 5/1932
v. 27, no. 8 p. 167

Turkeys in Confinement
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Burton, S.A.
Date: 10/1932
v. 29, no. 1 p. 3

Portrait sketch
Publication: Debris
Subject: Bushnell, C.D.
Date: 1932
p. 207

[sketch] Photos
Publication: Debris
Subject: Electrical Engineering, School of
Date: 1932
p. 66-78

Portrait. Home Economics
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Elliott, Bertha, Science '18
Date: 2/1932
v. 19 p. 13

Gunite a New Aid to Construction
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Business Depression
Date: 1/1932
v. 27, no. 4 p. 97

Present Business Situation Au: Warren, G.F.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Business Situation
Date: 11/1932
v. 26, no. 2 p. 19

Union Executive
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Ford, C.E. (C.E. 1933)
Date: 5/19/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Grazing the Farmwoods Au:Denuyl, Daniel
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Forestry
Date: 4/1932
vol. 26, No. 7 p. 99

Forest Protection Au:Degier, R.H.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Forestry
Date: 10/1932
vol. 27, No. 1 p. 11

Christmas Tree Custom Au:Geltz, C.G.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Forestry
Date: 12/1932
vol. 27, No. 3 p. 26

Leatherwood Creek Project proves Conservation Au:House, Ray W.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Forestry
Date: 3/1932
vol. 33, No. 6 p. 9

10 yrs. at Purdue
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Elliott, Pres. Edward C.
Date: 4/1932
v. 19 p. 2

Portrait. [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Elliott, Edward Charles
Date: 1932
p. 2-3

Portrait. [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Elliott, Edward Charles
Date: 1932
p. 200

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Haigh, P.C., Faculty
Date: 4/1932
v. 14 p. 36

Most popular student
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Hall, Miss Harriett
Date: 3/1932
v. 19 p. 28

Wins speech contest
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Hall, Helen
Date: 11/4/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Akron Hangar Au: Swarr, J.N.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Hangars
Date: 1/1932
V. 27, no. 4 p. 89

Installs new machine
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Forge Shop
Date: 4/20/1932
p. 2, c. 2

Fortune, Geo., Energetic Engineers Au:Purdue Engineer
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Fortune Geo.
Date: 2/1932
vol. 27, No. 5 p. 118

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Foster, Dr. A.K.
Date: 2/27/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Fowler, Raymond, E.E. 1907
Date: 12/1932
vol. 20 p. 32

[sketch] Portrait
Publication: Debris
Subject: Harding, Prof. Charles Francis
Date: 1932
p. 66

Weather Resistant Coverings for Line Wires
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Harding, C.F.
Date: 5/1932
v. 27, no. 8 p. 167

Honor banquet
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Elliott, Edward C.
Date: 5/6/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Elliott, Mrs. Susan B.
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 7

Recital Here
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Date: 5/14/1932
p. 2, c. 3-4

Energetic Engineers
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Enders, Char. M.
Date: 1/1932
v. 27, no. 4 p. 97

Portrait. Honor.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Endicott, George F., M.E., '01
Date: 6/1932
v. 19 p. 5

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Francis, J.R. Ph. 1893
Date: 2/1932
vol. 19 p. 28

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: French
Date: 4/17/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Portrait. [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Enders, H.E.
Date: 1932
p. 110

Enders, H.E. Dean of Science School
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Enders, Howard E.
Date: 3/1932
v. 27, no. 6 p. 139

Twelve Tools For The Engineer Au: Miller, W.T.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Engineering
Date: 2/1932
v. 27, no. 5 p. 115

Contract awarded
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering, Mechanical Building
Date: 4/6/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Publication: Debris
Subject: Engineering, Schools
Date: 1932
p. 10

Alumni aid in factory plans
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineering Society, Junior
Date: 5/3/1932
p. 1, c. 3-4

How to sore Apples McCown, Monror
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Fruit Storage
Date: 10/1932
vol. 27, No. 1 p. 10

Portrait. Honored.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Furnas, C.C. 1922
Date: 3/1932
vol. 19 p. 4

Writes Article
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Furr, M.W., C.E. 1913
Date: 12/1932
vol. 20 p. 5

Further Confessions of a COED Au:Hoagland, Jr. M.R.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Further Confessions of a COED
Date: 6/1932
vol. 5, No. 3 p. 44-45

Portrait. Dietitian
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Gable, Fern, Sci. 1927
Date: 2/1932
vol. 19 p. 13

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineers, Indiana Automotive Society
Date: 4/6/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Engineers, Indiana Automotive
Date: 4/20/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Portrait. Alumni.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Ernst, Fritz B.,
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 6

Ernst, F.B. Leader In Steel Industry
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Ernst, Fritz B.
Date: 12/1932
no. 3 p. 44

1932, [Sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Gala Week
Date: 1932
p. 213

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Gala Wk.
Date: 4/12/1932
p. 1, c. 3-4

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Gala Wk.
Date: 4/12/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Gala Wk.
Date: 5/17/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Gala Wk.
Date: 6/1/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Gala Wk.
Date: 6/7/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Gala Wk.
Date: 6/11/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Ether, Is It A Substance? Au: Lanczos, C.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Ether
Date: 1/1932
v. 27, no. 4 p. 87

List of Members, Photo.
Publication: Debris
Subject: Eta Kappa Nu (Honorary)
Date: 1932
p. 79

[sketch] Photo.
Publication: Debris
Subject: Eurodelphian Literary Society
Date: 1932
p. 377

Looking Ahead. A Faculty Sketch. Au: Beck, C.E.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Ewing, D.D.
Date: 1/1932
v. 27, no. 4 p. 96

Assumes Presidency Duties
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Harrod, C.L.
Date: 1932
v. 51, no. 9 p. 4, c. 1

Aid Red Cross
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Faculty
Date: 2/13/1932
p. 4, c. 5-6

Corporation Farming Au: Demaree, F.H.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Farming
Date: 12/1932
v. 27, no. 3 p. 27

Tulip Trees
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Harvey, Jean
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 11-12

Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Harvey, Jean
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 32

Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Harvey, Jean
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 33

For Mary H
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Harvey, Jean
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 31

Death of Flowers
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Harvey, Jean
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 32

Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Harvey, Jean
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 24

A Faculty Sketch
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Haskins, Geo. W.
Date: 1932
v. 29, no. 7 p. 156

Portrait. Personality
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Hass, H.B.
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 2

You Should Know Au: Hass, H.B.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Hass, H.B.
Date: 11/1932
v. 28, no. 2 p. 27

Portrait [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Hatt, Prof. William Kendrick
Date: 1932
p. 38

Publication: Debris
Subject: Hatt, Prof. William Kendrick
Date: 1932
p. 38

Honored by American Concrete Institute
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Hatt, Prof. W.K.
Date: 2/5/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Hatt, Dr. W.K.
Date: 2/5/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Hattersley, Master Bryon
Date: 4/1932
v. 14 p. 36

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Hauge, P.C.
Date: 2/27/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Variations Of Farm Incomes Au: Barnett, H.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Farm Management
Date: 12/1932
v. 27, no. 3 p. 31

Attendance increased
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Farm Women
Date: 2/4/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Father And Daughter Au: Primack, Shirley
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Father And Daughter
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 42-43

Portrait. Personality
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Hazard, C.T.
Date: 6/1932
v. 19 p. 2

Winter Control Of Insects
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Heaton, R.R.
Date: 1932
v. 26, no. 5 p. 76

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Hedgcock, James A.
Date: 1932
v. 14 p. 32

The Artists Electrical Brush
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Heiss, F.H.
Date: 3/1932
v. 27, no. 6 p. 129

Winner of trophy
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Heldt, Carl D.
Date: 6/1932
v. 19 p. 14

Coach Kiser presenting trophy. Portrait.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Heldt, Carl D.
Date: 6/1932
v. 19 p. 19

War On The Hoosier Front
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Favinger, J.J.
Date: 10/1932
v. 34, no. 1 p. 11

[sketch] Portrait
Publication: Debris
Subject: Hepburn, Prof. W.M.
Date: 1932
p. 205

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Herzog, John Adam
Date: 1932
v. l9 p. 32

Milk For The Chicks Au: Roberts, Roy E.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Feeding And Food Stuffs
Date: 3/1932
v. 26, no. 6 p. 93

Germinated Oats For Poultry Au: Brueckner, R.F.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Feeding And Food Stuffs
Date: 5/1932
v. 26, no. 8 p. 115

Hog Feeding Experiments Au: Bertsch, P.L.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Feeding And Food Stuffs
Date: 10/1932
v. 27, no. 2 p. 19

New Virtanen Process Au: Silverthorn, M.H.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Feeding And Food Stuffs
Date: 11/1932
v. 27, no. 2 p. 19

Soybean Feeding Tests Au: Miller, K.C.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Feeding And Food Stuff
Date: 3/1932
v. 28, no. 6 p. 47

Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Fehring, W.P.
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 23-24

Increase Productivity Per Unit Of Fertilizing Material Au: Silverthorn, M.H.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Fertilizers
Date: 1/1932
v. 26, no. 4 p. 57

Visiting author
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Hindus, Maurice
Date: 2/8/1932
p. 1, c. 1

speaks at convo
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Hindus, Maurice
Date: 3/8/1932
p. 1, c. 1

speaks at convo
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Hindus, Maurice
Date: 3/9/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Further Confessions of a Coed
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Hoagland, M.R.J.
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 44-45

Ninety Seconds
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Hoagland, M.R.
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 45-47

House That Jack Should Build
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Hoffman, J.D.
Date: 4/1932
v. 27, no. 7 p. 149

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Fessenden, Prof. Aubrey R.
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 28

Insull chief
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Feustel, Robert, C.E., '05
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 5

Leaves us
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Feustel, Robert, C.E.
Date: 6/1932
v. 19 p. 6

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Feustel, Robert M.
Date: 5/10/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Feustel, Robert M.
Date: 5/10/1932
p. 3, c. 4-5

The Fifth Horseman Au: Roberts, G.T.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Fifth Horseman
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 9-20

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Filipino Student Club
Date: 1932
p. 285

On Campus
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Fire
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 20

Power plant
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Fires
Date: 4/20/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Photo-Elastic Analysis
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Hollister, S.C.
Date: 11/1932
v. 28, no. 2 p. 19

Portrait. [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Fisher, Prof. M.L.
Date: 1932
p. 202

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Fisk, John M., E. 1898
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 32

Portrait. Honored.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Fitch, J.B., Ag. 1910
Date: 3/1932
v. 19 p. 5

Miami Valley Flood Control (Map) IL. Au: Jacobi, E.B.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Flood Control
Date: 10/1932
v. 28, no. 1 p. 5

The Formation of Coal. IL. Au: Florek, R.S.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Florek, R.S.
Date: 5/1932
v. 27, no. 8 p. 171

Flowers For Margueite Au: Adashko, J.G.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Flowers For Marguerite
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 21-24

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Home Coming
Date: 11/1932
v. 20 p. 6

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Home Coming
Date: 11/1932
v. 20 p. 6

[sketch] List, Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Home Economics, Department of
Date: 1932
p. 98-106

Winter Control Of Insects Au: Heaton, R.R.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Insects
Date: 2/1932
v. 26, no. 5 p. 79

Combating Garden Pests Au: Amos, J.R.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Insects
Date: 6/1932
v. 26, no. 9 p. 131

Sucking And Biting Lice Au: Trippel, A.W.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Insects
Date: 11/1932
v. 27, no. 2 p. 22

Illusion [a poem] Au: Horvey, Jean
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Illusion
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 33

Purdue represented
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Indiana Academy Of Science
Date: 11/16/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Society views Purdue
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Indiana Automotive Engineers
Date: 4/6/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Indiana Automotive Engineers
Date: 4/20/1932
p. 1, c. 3

359 individuals rank
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Honor Roll
Date: 3/6/1932
p. 1, c. 1

359 individuals rank
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Honor Roll
Date: 3/6/1932
p. 4, c. 1

List of members, Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Hoof and Horn (Honorary)
Date: 1932
p. 93

Our Chief Engineer Au: Beck, C.E.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Hoover, Herbert
Date: 4/1932
v. 27, no. 7 p. 153

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Indiana Canners Association
Date: 2/5/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Indiana Canners Association
Date: 2/11/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Indiana Cattle Feeders
Date: 4/7/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Hold conference
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Indiana Engineers
Date: 2/17/1932
p. 2, c. 2-3

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Indiana Engineers
Date: 2/27/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Hold conference
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Indiana Florists
Date: 2/27/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Hold conference
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Indiana Florists
Date: 2/28/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Hold conference
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Indiana Florists
Date: 3/2/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Hold conference
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Indiana Florists
Date: 3/3/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Purdue wins championships
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: International Livestock Exhibition
Date: 11/30/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Plans schedule
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Intramural Department
Date: 4/7/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Photo, Members
Publication: Debris
Subject: Iron Key
Date: 1932
p. 220

Writes paper
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Jackson, Dr. H.S.
Date: 1/26/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Miami Valley Flood Control. (Map) IL.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Jacobi, E.B.
Date: 10/1932
v. 28, no. 1 p. 5

Japanese Tea Ceremony Au: Usul, Charles
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Japanese Tea Ceremony
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 31-34

To be held
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Horticulture show
Date: 10/8/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Date set
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Horticulture show
Date: 11/2/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Exhibit planned
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Horticulture show
Date: 11/4/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Horticulture show
Date: 11/11/1932
p. 1, c. 5

5,000 visitors
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Horticulture show
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 8

Portrait. [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Johnston, T.R.
Date: 1932
p. 206

Agricultural Conference Week
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Johnston, T.R.
Date: 2/1932
v. 26, no. 5 p. 66

Cashing in on spare time
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Howland, W.E.
Date: 1932
v. 27, no. 8 p. 175

Vacation Au: Hudson, Lois
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Hudson, Lois
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 43-44

Son W.H., C.E. '1932. Portraits. Major letterman
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Huffman, F.C. '1905
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 11

Effect Of New Farmer
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Jones, R.V.
Date: 10/1932
v. 27, no. 1 p. 7

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Jones, Porter G., ex. - M '04
Date: 2/1932
v. 19 p. 28

45,000 Miles Of Service
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Jones, R.E.
Date: 1/1932
v. 27, no. 4 p. 96

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Jonte, Lee F., M.E. '21
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 28

Portrait [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Jordan, Charles Bernard
Date: 1932
p. 122

The Biggest of the Trees. IL.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Jourdan, J.W.
Date: 3/1932
v. 27, no. 6 p. 132

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Hunziker, Karl
Date: 12/1932
v. 20 p. 32

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Hunziker, Karl
Date: 11/4/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Synthetic Rubber
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Hutchins, C.M.
Date: 5/1932
v. 27, no. 8 p. 199

Harding Street Station
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Hutchins, C.M.
Date: 4/1932
v. 27, no. 7

Noted Educator
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Hutchins, Robert M.
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 15

[sketch] Photos
Publication: Debris
Subject: Junior Prom
Date: 1932
p. 212

Nominations close
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Junior Prominade
Date: 2/19/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Nominations close
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Junior Prominade
Date: 2/23/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Ticket sale
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Junior Prominade
Date: 4/5/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Junior Prominade
Date: 4/7/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Junior Prominade
Date: 4/9/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Junior Prominade
Date: 4/9/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Junior Prominade
Date: 4/10/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Ticket sale
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Junior Prominade
Date: 4/10/1932
p. 2, c. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Junior Prominade
Date: 4/19/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Junior Prominade
Date: 4/20/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Junior Prominade
Date: 4/22/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Junior Prominade
Date: 4/23/1932
p. 1, c. 1

List of members, Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Kappa Alpha Theta
Date: 1932
p. 340

Photo, members
Publication: Debris
Subject: Kappa Delta Pi (Honorary)
Date: 1932
p. 226

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Kappa Delta Rho
Date: 1932
p. 303

List of members, Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Kappa Kappa Gamma
Date: 1932
p. 341

Mr. X Au: Wagner, Gordon
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Mr. X
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 44-45

Mad Au: Berkness, Russell
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Mad
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 22-24

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Malick, Forrest Earl, M.E., '28
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 28

Man About Town Au: Walter, Helen L.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Man About Town
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 47-48

Four Day Cream Delivery System
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Manhart, V.C.
Date: 6/1932
v. 26, no. 9 p. 130

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Kappa Sigma
Date: 1932
p. 304

Portrait. Personality
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Gamble, Edith
Date: 3/1932
vol. 19 p. 2

The Home Garden for 1932 Au:Stair, E.C.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Gardens
Date: 5/1932
vol. 26, No. 8 p. 114

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Gardner, Dr. M.W.
Date: 2/20/1932
p. 3, c. 4

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Garrott, Mrs. Edith Baker S. 1910
Date: 4/1932
vol. 19 p. 36

New track coach
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Martin, Orval
Date: 6/11/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Portrait. [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Martineau, Earl
Date: 1932
p. 136

For Mary H. [a poem] Au: Harvey, Jean
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Mary, H.
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 33

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Kellogg, Miss Katherine H.
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 32

Portrait [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Kellogg, Col. Nelson, A.
Date: 1932
p. 133

Portrait. Personality.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Kellogg, Col. Nelson A.
Date: 3/1932
v. 14 p. 2

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Kennedy, Dan C.
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 32

Called to Army duty
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Maschmeyer, E.W.
Date: 2/23/1932
p. 2, c. 2

Theyre all alike
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Keyes, Sally
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 13-15

Death, Lindberg case brought to light
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Kidnappers
Date: 3/4/1932
p. 2, c. 1

Head Debris
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Kiel, Alexander
Date: 5/10/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Portrait [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Matthews, Mary L.
Date: 1932
p. 98

Starts new corporation
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Kimmel, A.W., '1913
Date: 2/1932
v. 19 p. 8

Writes from China
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: King, E. Harrison jr., C.E. '1913
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 5

Prominent. Portrait.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Kintner, Samuel M. '1894
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 4

De-inking of printed paper
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Kinyon, B.W.
Date: 5/1932
v. 27, no. 8 p. 178

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: May Day
Date: 5/3/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Mothers enjoy
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: May Day
Date: 5/8/1932
P. 1, C. 6

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: May Queen
Date: 5/8/1932
p.1, c. 1

McAllister, A.J., Succeeds Ross
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: McAllister, A.J.
Date: 1/1932
no. 4 p. 98

Gates, R.M. Alumni. Au:Purdue Engineer
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Gates, R.M.
Date: 2/1932
vol. 27, No. 5 p. 116

Indiana Muck Soil
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Gaylord, F.C.
Date: 6/1932
vol. 26, No. 9 p. 141

Christmas Tree Custom
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Gletz, Chas. G.
Date: 12/1932
vol. 27, No. 3 p. 26

How To Store Apples
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: McCown, Monroe
Date: 10/1932
v. 27, no. 1 p. 10

Germination Tests in Soybeans Au:Cutler, G.H.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Germination
Date: 3/1932
vol. 26, No. 6 p. 82

[Sketch] photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Gimlet Club
Date: 1932
p. 280

Photo, [Sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Glee Club, Women
Date: 1932
p. 263

Selects Members
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Girl's glee club
Date: 9/23/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Kizer, Noble
Date: 1932
p. 134

Portrait. Home Economics
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Klipsch, Ruth Robbins, '1928
Date: 2/1932
v. 19 p. 25

Purdue Engineer - McKee, A.F. Dies Following Operation
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: McKee, A.F.
Date: 1/1932
v. 27, no. 4 p. 98

Portrait. [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: McMahon, Major John E.
Date: 1932
p. 248-249

Photo. [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: McMahon, Major John E.
Date: 1932
p. 282

Photo. [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: McMahon, Major John E.
Date: 1932
p. 283

Photo. [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: McMahon, Major John E.
Date: 1932
p. 287

Inpsects band
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: McMahon, Major J.E.
Date: 5/8/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Engineering Assistant
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Knapp, W.A. (Bill)
Date: 5/1932
v 19 p. 6

Gives talk before rotary club
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Knapp, Prof. W.A.
Date: 4/14/1932
p.2, c. 2

Theory of the Grid-Glow Tube
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Knowles, D.D.
Date: 5/1932
v. 27, no. 8 p. 172

To present cantata
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Glee Club
Date: 12/20/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Will broadcast over WGN
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Glee Club
Date: 1/28/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Glee Club
Date: 2/14/1932
p. 4, c. 1-2

Members of Choir announced
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Glee Club
Date: 9/29/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Indiana R.O.P.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Kohlmeyer, J.B.
Date: 1/1932
v. 26, no. 4 p. 63

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Kryter, R.J., '1923
Date: 2/10/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Plays at Purdue
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Kyser, Kay
Date: 2/20/1932
p. 3, c. 3

List of members
Publication: Debris
Subject: Mechanical Engineering, School of
Date: 1932
p. 14-32

New Building
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Mechanical Engineering
Date: 4/6/1932
p. 1, c. 1

The Mechanized Cavalry Au: Withers, W.P.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Mechanized Cavalry
Date: 10/1932
v. 28, no. 1 p. 5

List of members, Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Lambda Chi Alpha
Date: 1932
p. 305

Photo, [Sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Glee Club, Men
Date: 1932
p. 262

[Sketch]. Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Gold Peppers Club
Date: 1932
p. 225

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Good, Earl J., E.E. 1917
Date: 3/1932
vol. 19 p. 5

Portrait. [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Meikle, G.S.
Date: 1932
p. 207

Purdue Engineer - Meikle, G.S.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Meikle, G.S.
Date: 10/1932
v. 28, no. 1 p. 11

Develops new musical invention
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Meissner, Benjamin F., ex-'17
Date: 4/1932
v. 19 p. 13

Challenge of Communisim
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Men vs. Machinery
Date: 3/9/1932
p. 2, c. 1

Portrait [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Lambert, Piggy Ward
Date: 1932
p. 136

Ether is a Substance?
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Lanczos, C.
Date: 1/1932
v. 27, no. 4 p. 87

Burning Colours
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Lark-Horovitz, Betty
Date: 3/1932
v. 27, no. 6 p. 136

A Century Of Ind. Agriculture
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Latta, N.C.
Date: 3/1932
v. 26, no. 6 p. 83

[sketch] Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Military Ball
Date: 1932
p. 257

Au: Graves, Gordon H. Superiority Has Its Snares
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Learning and Scholarship
Date: 5/1932
v. 27, no. 6 p. 127

Au: Hobson, J.E. Struggling Freshmen
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Learning and Scholarship
Date: 12/1932
v. 28, no. 3 p. 38

Portrait. Personality.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Leckie, R.B. Prof.
Date: 2/1932
v. 19 p. 2

A faculty sketch
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Lekie, R.B.
Date: 3/1932
v. 29, no. 6 p. 136

The Degree-Day
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Leckie, F and R.B.
Date: 12/1932
v. 28, no. 3 p. 37

Majored in dietetics
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Lee, Anna Wan Chih
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 17

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Lee, G.H., '1907
Date: 6/1932
v. 19 p. 7

Presented by University Corps
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Military Ball
Date: 10/28/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Presented by University Corps
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Military Ball
Date: 10/28/1932
p. 3, c. 2-3

Lectures at convocation
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Lengyel, Emil
Date: 10/2/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Speaks at convocation
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Lengyel, Emil
Date: 10/14/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Speaks on Hitler at convo
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Lengyel, Emil
Date: 10/30/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Names new trustees
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Leslie, H.G. (Governor)
Date: 6/3/1932
p. 1, c. 3

to speak
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Lewis, Prof. Howard
Date: 2/6/1932
p. 1, c. 4

index service
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Library
Date: 2/12/1932
p. 2, c. 3

Miss America X
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Lickey, B.F.
Date: 11/1932
v. 28, no. 2 p. 22

Methylene Blue Test Au: Cantley, R.W.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Milk
Date: 10/1932
v. 27, no. 2 p. 15

To retire
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Liddell, Prof. M.H.
Date: 9/12/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Au: Corey, J.H. Life on the Hoof
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Life on the Hoof
Date: 6/1932
v.5, no. 3 p. 9-10

President electrical group
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Light, Leroy B., '1923
Date: 2/13/1932
p. 4, c. 3

The Artists Electrical Brush Au: Heiss, E.H.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Lighting
Date: 3/1932
v. 27, no. 6 p. 129

The ner Future of Lighting Au: Luckiesh, M.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Lighting
Date: 4/1932
v. 27, no. 7 p. 151

Portrait. Honored
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Gordon, Claud S., E.E. 1909
Date: 2/1932
vol. 19 p. 5

Gordon, E.M. Energetic Engineers Au:Purdue Engineer
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Gordon, E.M.
Date: 4/1932
vol. 27, No. 7 p. 157

[Sketch]. Photos
Publication: Debris
Subject: Graduate School
Date: 1932
p. 130-132

Superiority has its Snares
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Graves, Gordon H.
Date: 3/1932
vol. 27, No. 6 p. 137

Portrait. Honored
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Gray, Russell T., M.E. 1915
Date: 1/1932
vol. 19 p. 4

Portrait. Honored
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Griest, E.E., M.E. 1907
Date: 4/1932
vol. 19 p. 12

Griest, E.E. Alumni. Au:Purdue Engineer
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Griest, E.E.
Date: 5/1932
vol. 29, No. 8 p. 180

Engineer honored
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Miller, W. F.
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 5

Tweleve tools for the engineer
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Miller, W.T.
Date: 2/1932
v. 27, no. 5 p. 115

School of Agriculture
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Mills, W.O.
Date: 5/1932
v. 26, no. 9 p. 134

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Lipetz, Dr. A.I.
Date: 2/22/1932
p. 1,c . 3

Portrait. Honored.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: List, George M., '1909
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 4

Orchestra plays here
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Minneapolis Symphony
Date: 1/21/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Supervised farm practice activities
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Moore, Herbert
Date: 3/1932
v. 26, no. 6 p. 91

Teaching farm shop
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Moore, Herbert
Date: 5/1932
v. 26, no. 8 p. 123

Tribute paid
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Moore, Dean Richard B.
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 23

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Moore, Samuel, E.E. '94
Date: 12/1932
v. 20 p. 32

List of members. Photo.
Publication: Debris
Subject: Mortar Board
Date: 1932
p. 221

Services held
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Mothers, Purdue
Date: 5/5/1932
p. 3, c. 4

Services held
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Mothers, Purdue
Date: 5/6/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Services held
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Mothers, Purdue
Date: 5/7/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Services held
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Mothers, Purdue
Date: 5/8/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Services held
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Mothers, Purdue
Date: 5/8/1932
p. 2, c. 1

Miss America. X Au: Lickey, B.F.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Motor Boats
Date: 11/1932
v. 28, no. 2 p. 22

Portrait. Honored.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Littell, Nelson, '1919
Date: 12/1932
v. 20 p. 4

Present world
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Murphy, Charles B.
Date: 2/6/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Murphy, Edgar E., C.E. '23
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 28

Music Off Left Au: Calloway, George
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Music Off Left
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 13 p. 15

My Last Two Weeks Au: Schlamersdorf, Norman F.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: My Last Two Weeks
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 44-45

Succeeds Insull.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Neff, G.C., C.E. '07
Date: 11/1932
v. 20 p. 5

Plays over N.B.C.
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Nell, Edward Jr. (M.E. '21)
Date: 3/5/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Appointed Pharmacy inspector by Leslie, H.G.
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Nelson, C. Hobart (Ph. '28)
Date: 2/13/1932
p. 1, c. 2

The New Technique Of Job Hunting Au: Null, R.B.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: New Technique Of Job Hunting
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 46-47

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Newman Club
Date: 1932
p. 283

Portrait. Personality.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Newton, Dr. Roy F.
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 2

Future quail population
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Nicewander, B.N.
Date: 10/1932
v. 27, no. 2 p. 14

Night Shift Au: Parks, Ruth H.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Night Shift
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 27-30

Three Power Locomotives Au: Brehob, F.H.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Locomotives
Date: 3/1932
v. 27, no. 6 p. 130

Donate $150 to student fund
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Nineteen Hundred Seventeen, Class Of
Date: 11/1932
v. 20 p. 11

Purdue Alumnus featured in Opera
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Long, Robert C.
Date: 5/6/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Lothario's Tale Au: Buehler, J.L.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Lothario's Tale
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 28-31

Ninety Seconds Au: Hoagland, Jr., M.R.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Ninety Seconds
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 45-47

Nocturne [a poem] Au: Harvey, Jean
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Nocturne
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 32

Nomadic Plaint [a poem] Au: Purcell, E.M.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Nomadic Plaint
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 40

Presented Gold Medal. Portrait
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Luckiesh, M. '1909
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 4

Books selected
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Luckiesh, M. '1909
Date: 6/1932
v. 19 p. 5

The Near Future of Lightning
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Luckiesh, W.
Date: 4/1932
v. 27, no. 7 p. 151

Promoted to Arkansas
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Paddock, Prof. R.G. '1920
Date: 1/1932
v. 14 p. 27

Portrait. Personality
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Palmer, Philena F.
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 21

Ag. leaders celebrate anniversaries
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Nugent, Paul
Date: 11/1932
v. 27, no. 12 p. 23

The new technique for job hunting
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Null, R.B.
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 46-47

Photo, List, Seniors
Publication: Debris
Subject: Pan-Hellenic Council
Date: 1932
p. 288-289

Photo, List, Juniors
Publication: Debris
Subject: Pan-Hellenic Council
Date: 1932
p. 290-291

List of Members. Portraits.
Publication: Debris
Subject: Pan-Hellenic Council (women)
Date: 1932
p. 334-335

Dairy Farm Inspection
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Parfitt, E.H.
Date: 4/1932
v. 26, no. 7 p. 98

Night Shift
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Parks, Ruth H.
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 27-30

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Omicron Nu
Date: 1932
p. 107-108

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Parvis, G. Truman, M., '1924
Date: 1/1932
v. 14 p. 31

Portrait to represent Atlantic Region
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Parvis, Willard J., 1928
Date: 4/1932
v. 24 p. 13, c. 1

Portrait. Receives high appointment.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Patrick, Duke M., '1921
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 4

Competitive projects for junior and senior high school students, sponsored by Purdue University
Publication: Purdue News
Subject: Orientation
Date: 11/1932
v. 3, no. 7 p. 1-15

Program, etc., September 1932
Publication: Purdue News
Subject: Orientation
Date: 9/1932
v. 3, no. 4 p. 1-8

Boilermaker brief
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Orton, Dr. Clayton R., '15
Date: 5/1932
v. 25 p. 18, c. 2

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Osborn, Chase S.
Date: 4/1932
v. 19 p. 12

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: O'Shea, Dr. M.V.
Date: 2/1932
v. 19 p. 7

Publication: Debris
Subject: Peffer, Harry Creighton
Date: 1932
p. 54

First student to register at Purdue. Portrait.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Peirce, C.H., '1873
Date: 6/1932
v. 19 p. 5

Agriculture engineers inspection trip
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Owens, William L.
Date: 6/1932
v. 24, no. 9 p. 207

Replica of figure planned in Union
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Owen, Col. Richard
Date: 12/10/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Day of memories
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue
Date: 12/1932
v. 20 p. 8

The PEST Au: Fehring, W.P.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: PEST
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 23-24

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Petty, Mrs. Ben H.
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 16

Swine Sanitation
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Pfendler, D.C.
Date: 1/1932
v. 26, no. 4 p. 57

[sketch] Photos
Publication: Debris
Subject: Pharmacy, School of
Date: 1932
p. 122-125

Opens 59th year
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 6

Makes salary cut
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 9

What we did with your $4
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 8

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 13

Mechanical Engineering
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue
Date: 12/1932
v. 20 p. 6

Faculty sketch
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue
Date: 12/1932
v. 20 p. 7

Annual expenditures
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue
Date: 3/1932
v. 19 p. 20

Enrollment gains
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue
Date: 3/1932
v. 19 p. 29

Graduate school
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue
Date: 4/1932
v. 19 p. 6

New Engineering Building
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue
Date: 4/1932
v. 19 p. 7

Gift from Alumnus
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue
Date: 4/1932
v. 19 p. 7

[sketch] Photo.
Publication: Debris
Subject: Purdue Agriculturist
Date: 1932
p. 94-96

window exhibits
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Pharmacy Extension
Date: 3/12/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Portraits [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Purdue Athletic Association
Date: 1932
p. 138

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Phi Delta Theta (3-17-1893)
Date: 1932
p. 306

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Phi Gamma Delta
Date: 1932
p. 307

photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Phi Kappa
Date: 1932
p. 308

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Purdue Commons Club
Date: 1932
p. 316

[sketch], Photo, Staff
Publication: Debris
Subject: Purdue Engineering Review
Date: 1932
p. 12

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Phi Kappa Psi
Date: 1932
p. 309

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Phi Kappa Sigma
Date: 1932
p. 310

List of members, Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Phi Kappa Tau
Date: 1932
p. 311

List of members, photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Phi Lambda Upsilon(Honorary)
Date: 1932
p. 60

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Phi Mu
Date: 1932
p. 342

Photo, List of members
Publication: Debris
Subject: Phi Pi Phi
Date: 1932
p. 312

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Phi Sigma Kappa
Date: 1932
p. 313

[sketch], Photos, Staff
Publication: Debris
Subject: Purdue Exponent
Date: 1932
p. 232-235

Purdue Engineer - "The Monon Route"
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Purdue Forever Railway
Date: 5/1932
v. 27, no. 8 p. 182

Portrait. Personality.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Phillips, Robert
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 2

Photo-Elastic Analysis Au: Hollister, S.C.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Photoelasticity
Date: 11/1932
v. 28, no. 2 p. 17

national association of
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Physical Education Instructors
Date: 4/26/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Photo. [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Purdue Independent Association
Date: 1932
p. 348

Photo. [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Purdue Independent Association
Date: 1932
p. 352

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Pi Beta Phi
Date: 1932
p. 343

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Pi Beta Phi
Date: 1932
p. 349

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Pi Kappa Alpha
Date: 1932
p. 314

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Pi Kappa Phi
Date: 1932
p. 315

[sketch], Photos
Publication: Debris
Subject: Purdue Memorial Union
Date: 1932
p. 2140218

List of members, Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Pi Tau Sigma (Honorary)
Date: 1932
p. 33

Portraits, sketch
Publication: Debris
Subject: Playshop
Date: 1932
p. 261

Formal dinner
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purdue Memorial Union
Date: 4/17/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Completes prom plans
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purdue Memorial Union
Date: 4/19/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Plan program for season
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purdue Memorial Union
Date: 9/13/1932
p. 7, c. 1

Anniversary program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purdue Memorial Union
Date: 11/22/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Anniversary program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purdue Memorial Union
Date: 11/23/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Anniversary program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purdue Memorial Union
Date: 11/24/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Anniversary program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purdue Memorial Union
Date: 11/26/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Anniversary program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purdue Memorial Union
Date: 11/27/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Purdue Band
Date: 1932
p. 253

Portraits. sketch
Publication: Debris
Subject: Playshop
Date: 1932
p. 261

[sketch], Photos.
Publication: Debris
Subject: Purdue Pharmacist
Date: 1932
p. 127-128

Opens season
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purdue Playshop
Date: 10/16/1932
p. 1, c. 4

To present play for dads
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purdue Playshop
Date: 11/8/1932
p. 1, c. 6

To present "Androcles and the Lion"
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purdue Playshop
Date: 11/18/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Presents "Androcles and the Lion"
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purdue Playshop
Date: 11/19/1932
p. 1, c. 5

To present play over radio
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purdue Playshop
Date: 12/1/1932
p. 1, c. 3

To Broadcast Over WLS
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purdue Threshing Crew
Date: 12/7/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Pontius, Dr. Bryon E. Faculty
Date: 4/1932
v. 14 p. 36

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Pontius, Dr. B.E.
Date: 3/10/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Pontius, Dr. B.E.
Date: 3/17/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Promising runner. Portrait
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Popejoy, C.
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 10

Relocates offices
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue University
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 7

New buildings completed
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue University
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 7

Tuning up for hard season
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue University
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 10

Captures lamb championship
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue University
Date: 12/1932
v. 20 p. 8

5,000 visitors at Horticulture Show
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Purdue University
Date: 12/1932
v. 20 p. 8

Financial statement of campus activites
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purdue University
Date: 1/21/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Fence Posts Au: Shaw, T.E.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Costs, Fence
Date: 2/1932
v. 26, no. 5 p. 78

Elected President of A.S.M.E.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Potter, A.A.
Date: 11/1932
v. 28, no. 2 p. 19

President of A.S.M.E.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Potter, Dean A.A.
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 5

Will head A.S.M.E.
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Potter, Dean A.A.
Date: 12/7/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Potter, C.R.
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 32-36

Song Modern
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Potter, A.A.
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 29

Indiana R.O.P. Au: Kohlmeyer, William
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Poultry
Date: 1/1932
v. 26, no. 4 p. 63

Indiana's New Poultry Cooperative
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Poultry
Date: 3/1932
v. 36, no. 6 p. 86

Turkeys in Confinement Au: Burton, S.A.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Poultry
Date: 10/1932
v. 27, no. 1 p. 3

Building up Poultry Au: Schentzler, E.E.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Poultry
Date: 12/1932
v. 27, no. 3 p. 27

Good Care and Breeding Improve Poultry Stock Au: Matthews, J.W.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Poultry
Date: 12/1932
v. 28, no. 3 p. 17

Frosh coach
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Purvus, J.C.
Date: 5/29/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Queen Victoria Au: Bauers, H.C.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Queen Victoria
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 16-19

Makes progress
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: R.O.T.C.
Date: 2/1932
v. 19 p. 6

Photos, [sketches]
Publication: Debris
Subject: R.O.T.C.
Date: 1932
p. 248-254

short course to be held
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Poultry (department)
Date: 10/29/1932
p. 1, c. 3

The Harding Street Station Au: Hutchins, C.M.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Power Plants
Date: 4/1932
v. 17, no. 7 p.

Air Refined steel The "Kelly" Process
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Prechter, C.E.X.
Date: 12/1932
v. 28, no. 2 p. 40-41

Gnite a New Aid to Construction. IL. Au:Swarr, J.N.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Gunite
Date: 2/1932
vol. 27, No. 5 p. 107

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Roach, Noble D., A. 1926
Date: 2/1932
vol. 19 p. 28

Road School
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Roads and Road school
Date: 1/26/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Road School
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Roads and Road school
Date: 1/28/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Prelude to Insanity Au: Purcell, E.M.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Prelude to Insanity
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 20-21

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: R.O.T.C.
Date: 3/6/1932
p. 2, c. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: R.O.T.C.
Date: 5/11/1932
p. 1, c. 6

New committee
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: R.O.T.C.
Date: 2/6/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Ratings of junior officers
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: R.O.T.C.
Date: 9/18/1932
p. 1, c. 5-6

Corps to organize
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: R.O.T.C.
Date: 9/20/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Date set for ball
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: R.O.T.C.
Date: 9/22/1932
p. 1, c. 6

First review
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: R.O.T.C.
Date: 9/24/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Ratings of junior officers
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: R.O.T.C.
Date: 10/6/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Ratings of junior officers
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: R.O.T.C.
Date: 10/6/1932
p. 3, c. 2-3

To parade on Armistice Day
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: R.O.T.C.
Date: 11/5/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Parade on Armistice Day
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: R.O.T.C.
Date: 11/11/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Parade on Armistice Day
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: R.O.T.C.
Date: 11/12/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Memorial luncheon
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: R.O.T.C.
Date: 11/12/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Father and Daughter Au: Primack, Shirley
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Primack, Shirley
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 42-43

A Campus Problem Au: Primack, Shirley
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Primack, Shirley
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 42-44

Television an invention in the making
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Purcell, E.M.
Date: 1/1932
v. 27, no. 4 p. 91

Purdue Engineer
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Purcell, E.M.
Date: 10/1932
v. 28, no. 1 p. 11

The Dark Year. First instalment
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Purcell, E.M.
Date: 12/1932
v. 28, no. 3 p. 37

Numadic Plaint
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Purcell, E.M.
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 40

Prelude to Insanity
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Purcell, E.M.
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 20-21

Psychopathy becomes O'Neill
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Purcell, E.M.
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 25-31

Sketches, The Motorman, Trajectory, Expansion
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Purcell, E.M.
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 22-23

Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Purcell, E.M.
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 31

Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Purcell, E.M.
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 3 p. 20

Future magic
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Radio
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 13

Behind the microphone Au: Weis, W.J.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Radio Broadcasting
Date: 4/1932
v. 27, no. 7 p. 157

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Date: 1932
p. 317

List of members, photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Sigma Alpha Mu
Date: 1932
p. 318

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Sigma Chi
Date: 1932
p. 319

List of members, Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Sigma Delta Chi (Honorary)
Date: 1932
p. 238

[sketch], Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Reamer Club
Date: 1932
p. 281

Writes article
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Reed, Oren
Date: 6/1932
v. 19 p. 11

Alumni. Portrait.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Reimann, H.W.
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 6

The Fifth Horseman
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Roberts, G.T.
Date: 12/1932
vol. 1, No. 1 p. 9-20

War on My Hands
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Roberts, G.T.
Date: 3/1932
vol. 5, No. 2 p. 11-16

Milk for Chicks
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Roberts, Roy E.
Date: 3/1932
vol. 26, No. 6 p. 93

Of 1892
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Relics
Date: 11/1932
v. 20 p. 8

Offers program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Religious Council
Date: 1/6/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Discuss work
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Religious Council
Date: 2/13/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Rencounter Au: Buehler, John
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Rencounter
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 25-26

More responsibilities
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Reuter, Irving
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 4

Purdue at work. Prominent in auto field. Au: Reuter, Irving J.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Reuter, Irving J.
Date: 12/1932
v. 28, no. 3 p. 44

Portrait. Alumni Secretary
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Robertson, Mrs. Martha W., Sci. 1920
Date: 1/1932
vol. 19 p. 22

A one Eyed Robot Au:Purdue Engineer
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Robots
Date: 2/1932
vol. 27, No. 5 p. 118

Selects New Engineer Staff
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Roby, F.H.
Date: 4/10/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Rogers, Mrs. Bruce
Date: 2/1932
vol. 19 p. 24

Visits Purdue
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Rogers, Bruce
Date: 4/10/1932
p. 1, c. 3-4

Books displayed in library
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Rogers, Bruce
Date: 10/19/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Sigma Mu Sigma
Date: 1932
p. 320

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Sigma Nu
Date: 1932
p. 321

Address on marital problems
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Rice, Dr. T.B.
Date: 5/5/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Richards, C.R., M.E. '90
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 5

Business trend
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Richey, Albert S., '94
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 4

Writes article
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Richey, Albert S.
Date: 2/1932
v. 19 p. 25

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Richey, Herbert
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 22

Makes gift to church
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Rights, E.H., Ch.E., '17
Date: 4/1932
v. 19 p. 15

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Sigma Phi Epsilon
Date: 1932
p. 322

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Sigma Pi
Date: 1932
p. 323

Increase Productivity per Unit of fertilizing material
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Silverthorne, M.H.
Date: 1/1932
v. 26, no. 4 p. 51

Clover Failures
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Silverthorne, M.H.
Date: 5/1932
v. 26, no. 8 p. 118

New virtanen Process
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Silverthorne, M.H.
Date: 11/1932
v. 27, no. 2 p. 19

Uncle Lee has a visitor
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Sims, G.R.
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 37-40

Sketches Trajectory, the Motorman, Expansion Au: Purcell, E.M.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Sketches
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 22-23

Publication: Debris
Subject: Ross, David E.
Date: 1932
p. 201

Injured in auto wreck
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Ross, F.R.
Date: 11/4/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Ross, Joseph B.
Date: 4/6/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Synthetic Rubber Au:Hutchens, C.M.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Rubber Synthetic
Date: 5/1932
vol. 27, No. 8 p. 179

At the Crossroads of Industry
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Tangerman, E.J.
Date: 1/1932
v. 27, no. 4 p. 93

List of Members, Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Tau Beta Pi
Date: 1932
p. 11

List, Photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Tau Kappa Alpha
Date: 1932
p. 271

Portrait. Honored
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Skinner, Dean J.H. '1897
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 4

Publication: Debris
Subject: Skinner, John Harrison
Date: 1932
p. 84

Photo [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Skull and Crescent
Date: 1932
p. 223

You Should Know Au: Slipher, D.C.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Slipher, D.C.
Date: 11/1932
v. 28, no. 2 p. 27

Union President
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Slipher, D.C. '1933
Date: 5/19/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Tau Kappa Epsilon
Date: 1932
p. 324

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Taylor, Roger T., C. '06
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 27

At the crossroads of industry Au: Tangerman, E.J.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Technical Writing
Date: 1/1932
v. 27, no. 4 p. 93

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Smith, Dr Harold B.
Date: 3/1932
v. 19 p. 32

Aitkenhead, Mrs. Lillian Lamb, Ag. 1920 writes from Russia
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Russia Description of Travel
Date: 1/1932
vol. 19 p. 17

Television an invention in the making. Diagram.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Televison
Date: 1/1932
v. 27, no. 4 p. 91

Purdue station
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Television
Date: 4/20/1932
p. 2, c. 1

Ensemble gives program at convo
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Salzedo
Date: 10/23/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Gives program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Salzedo
Date: 10/27/1932
p. 1, c. 1

4-H Club Chatter
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Sample, Glenn
Date: 11/1932
vol. 27, No. 2 p. 24

Photo, [Sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Scabbard and Blade (Honorary)
Date: 1932
p. 256

Wins National pistol meet
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Scabbard and Blade
Date: 10/12/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Presents symphony for Convo.
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Schaefer, Ferinand
Date: 11/20/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Dept. of Forestry in Germany Address here
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Schenck, Dr. C.A.
Date: 3/12/1932
p. 1, c. 5

My Last two weeks
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Schlamersdorf, Norman F.
Date: 3/1932
vol. 5, No. 2 p. 44-45

Portrait. Honor
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Schleicher, A.B., C.E. 1899
Date: 6/1932
vol. 19 p. 4

Building up Poultry Flocks
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Schnetzler, E.E.
Date: 12/1932
vol. 27, No. 3 p. 27

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Thaeon
Date: 1932
p. 325

Fraternity robbed
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Theft
Date: 9/25/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Theta Tau
Date: 1932
p. 327

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Theta Alpha Phi
Date: 1932
p. 261

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Theta Chi
Date: 1932
p. 326

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Theta Chi Gamma
Date: 1932
p. 278

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Theta Xi
Date: 1932
p. 328

They're All Alike Au: Keyes, Sally
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: They're All Alike
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 13-15

Organizing Farm Practice
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Smith, M.C.
Date: 1/1932
v. 26, no. 4 p. 55

Summer Work of Ag. Teachers
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Smith, M.G.
Date: 10/1932
v. 27, no. 1 p. 2

Association of Future Farmers
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Smith, M.G.
Date: 12/1932
v. 27, no. 3 p. 34

Injured in explosion
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Smith, R.W. '1910
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 4

injured in building explosion
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Smith, R.W. '1910
Date: 4/20/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Camp Winnepe
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Thomas, H.L., M.E. '07 (Sandy)
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 25

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Thomas, H.L.
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 26

Pays homage to Elliott
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Thompson, Dr. W.O.
Date: 5/7/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Pays homage to Elliott
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Thompson, Dr. W.O.
Date: 5/7/1932
p. 2, c. 1-2

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Thorne, George E., C.E. '93
Date: 12/1932
v. 20 p. 5

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Thorp, Frank M., '09
Date: 2/1932
v. 19 p. 28

Three Persons Au: Bowerman, Len
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Three Persons
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 46

Tierney, P.V. Alumni.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Tierney, P.V.
Date: 3/1932
v. 27, no. 6 p. 138

Supt. of Canyon Park
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Tillotson, M.R.
Date: 4/1932
v. 19 p. 12

4500 miles of service Au: JOnes, R.E.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Tires, Automobile
Date: 1/1932
v. 27, no. 4 p. 96

Indiana Muck Soil Au: Gaylord, F.C.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Soils
Date: 6/1932
v. 26, no. 9 p. 141

Torrence, C.P. - New head of link-belt
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Torrence, G.P.
Date: 2/1932
v. 27, no. 5 p. 116

Portrait. Honor.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Torrence, George P., M.E., '08
Date: 6/1932
v. 19 p. 4

Portrait. Personality.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Solberg, H.L.
Date: 2/1932
v. 19 p. 2

Song Modern Au: Potter, C.R.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Song Modern
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 27

Purdue News concerning School of Pharmacy
Publication: Purdue News
Subject: School of Pharmacy
Date: 4/1932
vol. 3, No. 2 p. 1-46

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: School, Road
Date: 2/1932
vol. 19 p. 7

Highly praised
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: School, Road
Date: 5/1932
vol. 19 p. 7

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Schulters, Dr. John R.
Date: 9/13/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Sketch. Photos
Publication: Debris
Subject: Science, School of
Date: 1932
p. 110-117

Gives violin program on convo
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Spalding, Albert
Date: 12/9/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Gives recital
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Spalding, Albert
Date: 12/13/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Portrait. Honored
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Spieth, Wm. (Bill) S., '1911
Date: 11/1932
v. 20 p. 5

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Spitzer, Prof. and Mrs. Geo. E.
Date: 3/1932
v. 19 p. 11

Sears, L.M. Completes Book Au:Purdue Engineer
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Sears, Loren M.
Date: 2/1932
vol. 27, No. 5 p. 117

Washington- The Engineer. IL.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Sears, Louis Martin
Date: 2/1932
vol. 27, No. 5 p. 113

Completes life of Washington
Subject: Sears, Prof. L.M.
Date: 1/24/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Portrait. Honored
Subject: Sears, Dr. L.M.
Date: 4/1932
vol. 19 p. 13

4-H Club Chatter Au:Sears, Glendon A.
Subject: Sears, O.H.
Date: 12/1932
vol. 27, No. 3 p. 36

The Contracting Game
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Traylor, Wm. F.
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 25-27

The biggest of the trees. IL. Au: Jourdan, J.W.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Trees
Date: 3/1932
v. 27, no. 6 p. 132

Look after your trees Au: Cherry, W.F.
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Trees
Date: 3/1932
v. 26, no. 6 p. 92

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Triangle
Date: 1932
p. 329

Spring manipulation of bees
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Trippel, A.W.
Date: 4/1932
v. 26, no. 7 p. 107

Sucking the biting lice
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Trippel, A.W.
Date: 11/1932
v. 27, no. 2 p. 22

Tulip Trees Au: Harvey, Jean
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Tulip Trees
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 11-12

Visits in Central America
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Tumey, Miss Iris
Date: 11/1932
v. 20 p. 10

Uncle Lee Has A Visitor Au: Sims, G.R.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Uncle Lee Has A Visitor
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 37-40

Japanese Tea Ceremony
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Usui, Charles
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 31-34

Vacation Au: Hudson, Lois
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Vacation
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 43-44

The theory of the grid glow tube. Diageam. Au: Knowles, D.D.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Vaccum Tubes
Date: 5/1932
v. 27, no. 8 p. 172

Valor of the God Au: Bergevin, Paul
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Valor of the God
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 34-39

Portrait. Honored.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Vanderkleed, C.E.
Date: 4/1932
v. 19 p. 5

Death. Portrait.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Van Deusen, H.N., '07
Date: 6/1932
v. 19 p. 7

Portrait. Honored.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Van Leer, B.R., E.E. '15
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 4

Wheat makes good pork
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Vestal, C.M.
Date: 3/1932
v. 25, no. 6 p. 116

Villanelle [a poem] Au: Purcell, E.M.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Villanelle
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 20

Portrait. Honored.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Sprau, W.C. '1906
Date: 1932
v. 20 p. 4

Meet for pictures
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: W.A.A.
Date: 2/4/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Voting requirements raised
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: W.A.A.
Date: 2/13/1932
p. 2, c. 3-4

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: W.A.A.
Date: 3/5/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Forms riding club
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: W.A.A.
Date: 5/3/1932
p. 4, c. 3-4

New equipment
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: W.B.A.A.
Date: 2/10/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Radio staff named
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: W.B.A.A.
Date: 9/25/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Technical staff announced
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: W.B.A.A.
Date: 10/6/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Observes Purdue's birthday
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: W.B.A.A.
Date: 11/1/1932
p. 1, c. 2

To give Christmas program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: W.B.A.A.
Date: 12/17/1932
p. 1, c. 1

The Home Garden for 1932
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Stair, E.C.
Date: 5/1932
v. 26, no. 8 p. 114

The Development of the Automobile
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Starkey, W.C.
Date: 1932
v. 28, no. 1 p. 8

Free wheeling
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Starkey, W.C. '1903
Date: 1/1932
v. 19 p. 15

Portrait. Honored
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Starkey, W.C. '1903
Date: 2/1932
v. 19 p. 4

Advised state health bill
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: State board of health
Date: 2/13/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: State highway 16
Date: 10/9/1932
p. 1, c. 2

The slip interference theory Au: Swarr, J.N.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Steel
Date: 4/1932
v. 27, no. 7 p. 156

Air refined steel Au: Prechter, C.E.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Steel
Date: 12/1932
v. 28, no. 3 p. 40

Motor course
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Steers, Capt. J.A.
Date: 2/16/1932
p. 1, c. 2

[sketch] Portrait
Publication: Debris
Subject: Stewart, Robert B.
Date: 1932
p. 203

Still, A. "You Should Know"
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Still, Alfred
Date: 12/1932
v. 28, no. 3 p. 43

Purdue television station
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: W.9.X.G.
Date: 6/2/1932
p. 1, c. 1-2

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: W.S.G.A.
Date: 1932
p. 211

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: W.S.G.A.
Date: 5/8/1932
p. 1, c. 4

To establish information office
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: W.S.G.A.
Date: 9/10/1932
p. 12, c. 1

Election for executive board
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: W.S.G.A.
Date: 10/6/1932
p. 1, c. 2

River raises
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Wabash
Date: 1/20/1932
p. 1, c. 1

In the Stilly Night Au: Stone, R.H.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Stilly Night
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 43

Indiana cooperatives
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Wade, L.E.
Date: 1/1932
v. 26, no. 4 p. 64

Mr. X
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Wagner, Gordon
Date: 12/1932
v. 6, no. 1 p. 44-45

The Waitress Sneers Au: Carter, Electra
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Waitress Sneers
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 7-10

Indiana's new poultry cooperative
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Stout, W.B.
Date: 3/1932
v. 26, no. 6 p. 86

Address over W.B.A.A.
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Walker, Prof. G.P.
Date: 3/12/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Wallace, Edgar
Date: 2/11/1932
p. 3, c. 4-6

A Man About Town
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Walters, Helen L.
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 47-48

Portrait. [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Walters, J.E.
Date: 1932
p. 206

Visits Eastern concerns on behalf of personnel
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Walters, J.E.
Date: 2/18/1932
p. 1, c. 1

War On My Hands Au: Roberts, G.T.
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: War On My Hands
Date: 3/1932
v. 5, no. 2 p. 11-16

Portrait [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Stone, Prof. Ralph E.
Date: 1932
p. 203

Washington - The Engineer. IL. Au: Sears, Louis Martin
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Washington, George
Date: 2/1932
v. 27, no. 5 p. 113

The De-inking of printed paper Au: Kinyon, B.W.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Waster Paper
Date: 5/1932
v. 27, no. 8 p. 178

Address to Hoof and Horn
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Webb, John E.
Date: 4/20/1932
p. 2, c. 3

Patent issued
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Weber, Dona A.
Date: 5/1932
v. 15 p. 5

Behind the microphone
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Weis, W.J.
Date: 4/1932
v. 27, no. 7 p. 159

[sketch] photo
Publication: Debris
Subject: Student Council
Date: 1932
p. 210

Reduce cost of cops
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Student Council
Date: 4/23/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Reduce cost of cops
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Student Council
Date: 4/28/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Student Federation
Date: 1/5/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Assist students
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Student loan fund
Date: 5/1/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Advises State Board of Health
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Well Driller's Association
Date: 2/13/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Mole drainage
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Westbrook, N.E.
Date: 2/1932
v. 26, no. 5 p. 67

Makes gift
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Wetherill, Charles M.
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 23

Portrait Honored
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Sturmer, J.W.
Date: 12/1932
v. 19 p. 4

The Skip Interference Theory
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Swarr, J.N.
Date: 4/1932
v. 27, no. 7 p. 156

Gunite, a new aid to construction
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Swarr, J.N.
Date: 2/1932
v. 27, no. 5 p. 107

The Akron Hangar IL.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Swarr, J.N.
Date: 1/1932
v. 27, no. 4 p. 89

The Flying Wing Au: Swedarsky, S.C.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Sweddarsky, S.C.
Date: 11/1932
v. 29, no. 2 p. 23

Swine sanitation
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Swine
Date: 1/1932
v. 26, no. 4 p. 50

Chosen May Queen
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Swope, Martha
Date: 5/8/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Classification of farm woodlots
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Williamson, J.M.
Date: 1/1932
v. 33, no. 4 p. 2

To speak at convocation
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Williamson, J.E.
Date: 11/30/1932
p. 1, c. 1

To speak at convocation
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Williamson, J.E.
Date: 12/6/1932
p. 1, c. 6

To speak at convocation
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Williamson, J.E.
Date: 12/7/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Gives interview
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Williamson, J.E.
Date: 12/8/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Presents lecture
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Williamson, J.E.
Date: 12/8/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Purdue Engineer - Winget, J.C. - You Should Know
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Wineget, J.C.
Date: 12/1932
v. 28, no. 3 p. 43

Head Exponent
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Winget, J.C.
Date: 5/12/1932
p. 1, c. 6

The Mechanized Cavalry. IL.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: Wither, W.P.
Date: 10/1932
v. 28, no. 1 p. 3

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Wood, Charles W., A. '20
Date: 6/1932
v. 19 p. 26

A Century of Progress IL. Au: Anderson, G.H.
Publication: Purdue Engineer
Subject: World's Fair
Date: 2/1932
v. 27, no. 5 p. 109

Praises Russia
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Worsham, Anthony H. (M.E. '08)
Date: 2/26/1932
p. 1, c. 3-4

Praises Russia
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Worsham, Anthony H.
Date: 2/26/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Returns fron Africa
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Worth, Bo
Date: 4/1932
v. 19 p. 15

State Civic Conference
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Wright, E.
Date: 12/1932
v. 27, no. 3 p. 35

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 1932
p. 282

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 2/27/1932
p. 2, c. 3

Services for mothers
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 5/5/1932
p. 3, c. 4

Services for mothers
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 5/6/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Services for mothers
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 5/6/1932
p. 4, c. 1

Services for mothers
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 5/7/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Services for mothers
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 5/8/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Membership drive to start
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 9/14/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Advisory board announces plans
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 9/23/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Cabinet chooses board members
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 9/28/1932
p. 1, c. 2

To hold biblical discussion
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 9/28/1932
p. 1, c. 5

To begin membership drive
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 9/30/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Will open settlement house
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 10/8/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Annual services for freshmen
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 10/19/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Initiates new members
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 10/21/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Drama committee announces first program
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 10/23/1932
p. 1, c. 3

Thanksgiving play given
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 11/22/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Gives annual benefit tea
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Y.W.C.A.
Date: 12/10/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Portrait. Veteran Pharmacist
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Yeager, Emory J., Ph. '86
Date: 4/1932
v. 19 p. 8

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Yeager, Emory J.
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 28

Portrait. [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Young, Prof. Gilbert Amos
Date: 1932
p. 14

Portrait. Honored.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Young, Prof. G.A., M.E. '99
Date: 11/1932
v. 20 p. 4

A Purdue man talks to you (Photos)
Publication: Purdue News
Subject: Your Decision
Date: 1/1932
v. 2, no. 9 p. 1-20

Photo, [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Zeta Tau Alpha
Date: 1932
p. 344-346

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Agriculture Conference
Date: 1/12/1932
p. 1, c. 1-2

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Agriculture Conference
Date: 1/13/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Agriculture Conference
Date: 1/14/1932
p. 1, c. 1

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Agriculture Conference
Date: 1/15/1932
p. 1, c. 6

Combating garden pests
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Amos, J.R.
Date: 6/1932
v. 26, No. 9 p. 131

Life at Cary Hall
Publication: Purdue News
Subject: Cary Hall
Date: 5/1932
v. 3, no. 3 p. 1-22

King, E. Harrison Jr.
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: China, Description of Travel
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 5

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Freshmen caps' burning
Date: 4/8/1932
p. 1, c. 4

Visits campus in plane
Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Shaekleton, Roy, C.E., '06
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 5

Fence posts
Publication: Purdue Agriculturist
Subject: Shaw, T.E.
Date: 2/1932
v. 26, no. 5 p. 78

Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Shaw, T.E.
Date: 5/3/1932
p. 1, c. 5

Receives cable from son
Publication: Exponent Newspapers
Subject: Shepard, Prof. G.H.
Date: 1/5/1932
p. 1, c. 2

Potter, C.R. Sheriff
Publication: Scrivener
Subject: Sheriff
Date: 6/1932
v. 5, no. 3 p. 32-36

Portrait [sketch]
Publication: Debris
Subject: Shoemaker, Carolyn Ernestine
Date: 1932
p. 202

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Short, Bruce, C.E., '08
Date: 10/1932
v. 20 p. 5

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Short, Bruce, C.E., '08
Date: 12/1932
v. 20 p. 4

Summer courses
Publication: Purdue News
Subject: Health
Date: 2/1932
v. 2, no. 1 p. 1

Home Economics, opportunities offered; courses explained
Publication: Purdue News
Subject: Home Economics
Date: 3/1932
v. 3, no. 1 p. 1-29

Publication: Purdue Alumnus
Subject: Shryock, John R., Ex - E.E. '21
Date: 5/1932
v. 19 p. 28