Data Science (DSCB)
1990 - Present
Also Known As
- Helen B. Schleman Hall of Student Services (1990 - 2022)
A large addition was added to the building that was formerly known as the Pharmacy, Student Services, and Geosciences Building. When the addition was added the building was renamed the Helen B. Schleman Hall of Student Services. In December 2022 all students services offices were relocated across campus, and the building was renamed Data Science. The Recitation Building was renamed Helen B. Schleman Hall.
87,316 gross square feetDedication Date
November 17, 1989Dedication Info
The building was dedicated to Helen B. Schleman, Dean Emerita of Women. "After completing her deanship, Helen Schleman remained at Purdue, working half-time for two years as director of Span Plan, a program she conceived and launched. She designed this program to assist mature women who had left or who had never entered college to enroll with the goal of completing one or more degrees. She encouraged them to think in different terms about themselves and their potential. Through her efforts, funds were raised to provide financial assistance for those who needed it, as well as academic and personal counseling. Her dedication to Span Plan assured its success, and it continues to provide special attention to both mature women and men as they enter or return to college seeking to make lives more productive."Construction Information
1987 - 1990Materials
- Brick
$13,226,842.63 in today's dollars